Primary School

Coming Up:

 International Day Celebration: May 26th, 2023

Why Springhall British Primary School ?

I am pleased to welcome you to the Springhall British Primary school website..
Springhall British School prides itself on providing a motivating, engaging, friendly and supportive learning environment that encourages learners to reach their full potential. We hope you find the website informative and that it provides insight into our vibrant and exciting school community.

Ms Cynthia Eubank OBE - Head of School

Our Cambridge Checkpoint Report

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I think the strength of the school is how the teachers are always working with the parents to ensure continuous achievement in the children for example the parents teachers conferences.

Eshraq’s Mum


Identified strengths of Springhall British School include raising a complete child in the aspects of intellectual, social, emotional, moral and physical capabilities needed to achieve greatness. Overall I'm impressed with huge impact the school has had on my children and I look forward to an excellent outcome in the nearest future God willing.

Alex & Albert’s Mum


Our Partners


Springhall British School, 35 Danube Street, Maitama 904101, Abuja


Phone: +234 916 668 1921
